Lomi Lomi

Lomi lomi means massage, the name comes from ancient Polynesians philosophy called Huna. The most important principle of Huna is harmony and love. Lomi lomi is called also ‘Loving Hands’ massage. It works gently and deeply into a muscles with continuous, flowing strokes, totally nurturing the body and enabling client to relax by given in and simply be. Although the technique play an important part of massage much of the work is done by focus of practitioner on the client being deep and complete. The of energy with long continuous , flowing strokes, combined with loving touch, relaxes the entire being , helps to let go old beliefs, patterns and behaviours that cause limitation and which are stored in the cells of our body.This massage works not only on physical level but also mental, emotional and spiritual, helps to release the blockages and at the same time gives the energy new direction.

Improved circulation

Improved immune response

Increased range of motion and flexibility

The release of blocked energy

Muscle relaxation

Improved posture

Faster healingles

Slowing heart rate

Lower blood pressure

Lomi Lomi Massage

£ 85
  • 60 Minutes Massage

Lomi Lomi Massage

£ 120
  • 90 Minutes Massage

Lomi Lomi Massage

£ 160
  • 120 Minutes Massage

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